Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma
Pericardial mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Pericardial mesothelioma affects the lining that surrounds the heart, pericardium and is caused by asbestos. The pericardium consists of cells that produce a lubricating fluid which protects the heart and allow it to move freely when it pumps blood to other parts of the body.
Individuals who are afflicted with pericardial mesothelioma have cancerous growth of tissue in the lining surrounding the heart. Most of the time, the cancer has advanced to a stage where treatment is not very effective.Indication of Pericardial mesothelioma
In many cases, the symptoms are not recognized at an early stage. Due to long latency period, the symptoms become apparent much later and can take twenty to thirty years to show up. The following are common symptoms:
• Persistent cough• Chest pain• Palpitations• Dyspnea• Palpitations• Breathing problems and labored breathing• Fever• Sweating• Fatigue and weakens• Weight loss
The symptoms may not appear soon after exposure to asbestos. The disease has a long latency period and symptoms may be clear after a long time. Symptoms include:
• Symptoms resemble those of flu• Stomach pain and fever• Abdominal swelling • Due to the swelling of abdomen, extreme pain in the internal organs may occur• Shortness of breath accompanied by a persistent cough due to build up of fluid between the lining of the lungs and the chest cavity known as pleural effusion.Causes
Asbestos is the only known cause of pericardial mesothelioma. Asbestos is a combination of several minerals held together by silky strands of fibers. These fireproof fibers do not burn nor do they conduct heat or electricity. As asbestos does not conduct heat well and is resistant to melting or burning, it is used widely in all types of construction products. People who work in industries where asbestos is handled are in danger of contracting pericardial mesothelioma.Diagnosis
Patients who display symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are checked with x-ray, CT scan or MRI to look for evidence of cancerous cells. With the help of these scans, detailed images of the body are obtained. These images display affected areas and it becomes easier for the doctor to treat the cancer. A biopsy surgery can also be performed to diagnose pericardial mesothelioma in which a needle may be inserted into the affected area to obtain a sample of the cancerous tissue. A small incision is made and samples drawn are viewed under a microscope to check for diseased cells. A doctor who will review your medical history may carry out a physical examination. If you have a history of working in an asbestos contaminated environment or inhaling asbestos, give your doctor complete information as it will help in diagnosis and treatment.Treatment options for Pericardial Mesothelioma
In some cases, surgery is the most effective method to treat pericardial mesothelioma and cancerous tissue is removed surgically. In some cases, even some organs of the body have to be removed to ensure complete recovery.Radiation therapy
This treatment provides the benefit of treating the diseased area without exposing the healthy cells and tissue. It is a speedy and commonly used method to treat patients suffering from pericardial mesothelioma. It works through the placement of radioactive sources in the affected area which give off radiation to check the abnormal cell growth. It can be used either by itself or with other methods of treatmentChemotherapy
It can be administered either orally or in the form of intravenous injections. The drug that is given travels through the body, finds the diseased part, and treats it.Medicine
Some of the medications approved by the FDA have been known to treat symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma. They may be given either individually or in combination with others. These drugs are:
• Adriamycin (doxorubicin), which is the most effective single agent• Pirubicin • Carboplatin • Detorubicin • Pirarubucin • Mitomucin • Cisplatin
Pericardial mesothelioma is a disease which is very hard to treat and needs prompt action. This disease may be recognized by its symptoms that can take a long time to show up. It is advised that people working with asbestos or asbestos contaminated environment get regular medical check ups to be on the safe side.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the lining of the abdomen. It occurs in the tissue lining the abdominal cavity which contains a fluid to enable organs to move and work properly. It is a cancer which is associated with asbestos exposure, a mineral belonging to the amphibole group used in making fireproof products. Asbestos exposure can cause severe health complications. Peritoneal mesothelioma is sometimes referred to as diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma as this is the place where the cancer spreads out. Among asbestos related diseases, peritoneal mesothelioma is the most common.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can prove fatal in many circumstances if proper diagnosis and treatment are not received. The latency period is very long, ten to fifty years, and it is mostly diagnosed when the disease is well spread into the body. Mesothelioma can affect any part and organ of the body if not detected on time.Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms
Symptoms may not appear soon after exposure to asbestos. It has a long latency period and symptoms may be clear after a long time.
• Most of the symptoms resemble those of flu• Stomach pain and fever• Abdominal swelling • Due to abdominal swelling, extreme pain in the internal organs may occur• Shortness of breath accompanied by a persistent cough due to build up of fluid between the lining of the lungs and the chest cavity known as pleural effusion Peritoneal Mesothelioma origins
Asbestos is the main cause of people developing peritoneal mesothelioma. It is a material used in shipyards and industry. Asbestos adds to the durability and fire resistant features and protects products against corrosion. Inhalation of asbestos can be serious and fatal in many cases. It causes scar tissue to develop on lower lobes of both lungs leading to minor cuts and lacerations in the tissue. It can impair lung elasticity and the lung’s ability to sufficiently exchange gases. Diagnosis - Peritoneal mesothelioma
One of the major obstacles in diagnosing peritoneal mesothelioma lies in its symptoms resembling those of flu and other illnesses. Many patients and doctors are unable to recognize the disease unless the tumors of peritoneal mesothelioma cause severe adnominal pain and swelling. Diagnosis may be based on X- ray or CT scans. In both of these methods, detailed images of the body are taken giving a clear and complete picture of the body. The doctor is then able to identify where the cancerous cells are located. Sometimes, an exploratory surgery is also performed based on the doctor’s recommendation. A biopsy is also carried out in which a sample of the cells is taken from the affected portion of the body. It is examined under a microscope to check for abnormal growth. A blood test is also done to rule out possibilities of other diseases and ailments. The doctor will also carry out a complete physical examination and make certain if you have had any exposure to asbestos. Unless your doctor is aware that you have been exposed to asbestos in the past, cause of the disease may not be fully understood and alternate explanations to your ailment may be sought.Peritoneal Mesothelioma cure
Various methods for treating peritoneal mesothelioma may be introduced by the doctor if necessary.Surgery
Surgery involves removing part of the lining or the tissue from the abdomen in order to remove the tumor. Size of the tissue removed depends upon the doctor and the intensity of the cancer. Sometimes, a lung or some other organ may be removed to carry out successful removal of cancer.Radiation therapy
In radiation therapy, high energy X-rays are used to shrink the tumors and kill cancerous cells in the affected parts of the body. Radiation therapy may be administered by external means in which radiation is passed on to the body. Sources of radiation can also be placed inside the affected areas with the help of plastic tubes.Chemotherapy
In this form of treatment, a combination of drugs is administered to the patients to kill the cancerous cells. Drugs can be either taken orally or intravenously. The drug travels in the body and works on the affected cells killing cancerous ones.Medicine
• Arthritis Drugs have shown promising effects for Mesothelioma patients• FDA has approved a combination of Alimta-Cisplatin for treatment of asbestos-related cancer.
Although a rare form of cancer, it is caused due to exposure to asbestos and people working in an industry where asbestos is handled should be very careful about their health. They should make annual visits to their doctor so any hint of the disease can be dealt with in early stages.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
The Cause
Your father, husband, son or other family member has Pleural Mesothiloma and you do not know what to do. How did your loved one contract this cancer if its so rare?
Consider this. The National Institute of Cancer states that those people working with asbestos or exposed to it are at risk for pleural mesothelioma. 80% of people diagnosed with pleural Mesothiloma have been exposed to asbestos. Smoking may seem like a risk factor but alone, Smoking, is a low risk factor while in conjunction with asbestos exposure the risk increases two fold.
The Form
In Malignant Pleural mesothelioma the cancer cells are found in a sac lining in the abdominal cavity or the lining around the heart. Found in the lining of the chest its a swift and painful killer for as the cells begin to divide and spread they affect the organs around them leading to complications that become life threatening.
Asbestos Exposure
Not all workers who have been exposed to asbestos contract Pleural Mesothiloma as the disease may be related to asbestos exposure but asbestos in the 'finished' form is not harmful. Which means that if the asbestos is already fixated into the walls and pipes it will have no harmful effect but if there are particles free in the air only then, will the asbestos adversely effect the worker.
Inhalation of the particles works causes the small fibres to work their way into the body and they then stay there causing ill effects. The effect on the body depends on the type of exposure to asbestos the worker has had.
Mesothelioma Resource Online, presents information that will help you understand the disease; its causes, effects and how you can best cope with it. We will also suggest resources where you can reach people, organizations and committees dedicated to helping patients of Mesothelioma in every way possible ---from emotional to legal perspectives and more!
Action You May Take
Money is not everything. True. But if you or your loved one have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma as a result of Asbestos exposure, consider legal action as you may be entitled to MONETARY COMPENSATION.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Pericardial mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. Pericardial mesothelioma affects the lining that surrounds the heart, pericardium and is caused by asbestos. The pericardium consists of cells that produce a lubricating fluid which protects the heart and allow it to move freely when it pumps blood to other parts of the body.
Individuals who are afflicted with pericardial mesothelioma have cancerous growth of tissue in the lining surrounding the heart. Most of the time, the cancer has advanced to a stage where treatment is not very effective.Indication of Pericardial mesothelioma
In many cases, the symptoms are not recognized at an early stage. Due to long latency period, the symptoms become apparent much later and can take twenty to thirty years to show up. The following are common symptoms:
• Persistent cough• Chest pain• Palpitations• Dyspnea• Palpitations• Breathing problems and labored breathing• Fever• Sweating• Fatigue and weakens• Weight loss
The symptoms may not appear soon after exposure to asbestos. The disease has a long latency period and symptoms may be clear after a long time. Symptoms include:
• Symptoms resemble those of flu• Stomach pain and fever• Abdominal swelling • Due to the swelling of abdomen, extreme pain in the internal organs may occur• Shortness of breath accompanied by a persistent cough due to build up of fluid between the lining of the lungs and the chest cavity known as pleural effusion.Causes
Asbestos is the only known cause of pericardial mesothelioma. Asbestos is a combination of several minerals held together by silky strands of fibers. These fireproof fibers do not burn nor do they conduct heat or electricity. As asbestos does not conduct heat well and is resistant to melting or burning, it is used widely in all types of construction products. People who work in industries where asbestos is handled are in danger of contracting pericardial mesothelioma.Diagnosis
Patients who display symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are checked with x-ray, CT scan or MRI to look for evidence of cancerous cells. With the help of these scans, detailed images of the body are obtained. These images display affected areas and it becomes easier for the doctor to treat the cancer. A biopsy surgery can also be performed to diagnose pericardial mesothelioma in which a needle may be inserted into the affected area to obtain a sample of the cancerous tissue. A small incision is made and samples drawn are viewed under a microscope to check for diseased cells. A doctor who will review your medical history may carry out a physical examination. If you have a history of working in an asbestos contaminated environment or inhaling asbestos, give your doctor complete information as it will help in diagnosis and treatment.Treatment options for Pericardial Mesothelioma
In some cases, surgery is the most effective method to treat pericardial mesothelioma and cancerous tissue is removed surgically. In some cases, even some organs of the body have to be removed to ensure complete recovery.Radiation therapy
This treatment provides the benefit of treating the diseased area without exposing the healthy cells and tissue. It is a speedy and commonly used method to treat patients suffering from pericardial mesothelioma. It works through the placement of radioactive sources in the affected area which give off radiation to check the abnormal cell growth. It can be used either by itself or with other methods of treatmentChemotherapy
It can be administered either orally or in the form of intravenous injections. The drug that is given travels through the body, finds the diseased part, and treats it.Medicine
Some of the medications approved by the FDA have been known to treat symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma. They may be given either individually or in combination with others. These drugs are:
• Adriamycin (doxorubicin), which is the most effective single agent• Pirubicin • Carboplatin • Detorubicin • Pirarubucin • Mitomucin • Cisplatin
Pericardial mesothelioma is a disease which is very hard to treat and needs prompt action. This disease may be recognized by its symptoms that can take a long time to show up. It is advised that people working with asbestos or asbestos contaminated environment get regular medical check ups to be on the safe side.